mma_Uplift Summit_013_electronic (1)

Uplift Summit International Preparatory

Arlington, Texas

Uplift Summit Preparatory is located east of North Center Street and west of Roosevelt Street. The first phase improvements to the campus master plan included a 37,000 SF secondary school building, 10,000 SF cafeteria and library building, parking areas, pedestrian sidewalks, and a modified detention pond with drainage improvements. The project site was heavily vegetated with mature trees. The proposed improvements were placed in areas to maintain and preserve the existing tree mass. Phase two of the campus master plan included a 40,000 SF primary building, parking areas, and pedestrian paths. The building was placed to further preserve existing trees throughout the site. Phase three of the campus master plan included a 31,000 SF middle building, parking areas, drop/off queuing expansion, athletic field, and pedestrian paths. Phase four of the campus master plan included a 13,000 SF gymnasium building and pedestrian paths.



civil engineering
Civil Engineering
Landscape architecture
Landscape Architecture